Okay, so I cashed in one of my Christmas gift certificates at one of my very favorite bookstores. I took home quite the haul. I went in expecting to blow the entire amount on cookbooks and didn't buy a single one. That's rare for me. I think part of the reason why is because my mom surprised me with this book and filled my cookbook quota for the month (or, the week):
It's in the mail and I'm waiting somewhat patiently to get it in my furry little hands. Read more about this book here.
So, yes, I made my way into Market Block Books (conveniently located right next door to The Paper Sparrow...this is so dangerous) and immediately headed over to the art and craft sections. Their craft section has grown significantly in the past few months. I'm so happy about that, but also frightened a bit because I'm constantly compelled to buy them. Blah. The very first book I picked up was absolutely going home with me. I've been wanting Jane Brocket's The Gentle Art of Domesticity for quite some time now and now I can finally say I own it:
The second book I picked up also went home with me. Have you heard of or read Jenna Woginrich's Made From Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life?
And last but not least, I picked up this little number:
I don't know if I've ever talked about it here or not, but I know Alex and I have discussed extensively my overwhelming desire to go to Newfoundland. I've never been there and something about it just calls out to me. I'm dying to go, and I'm sure I will some day. This book, The Iambics of Newfoundland: Notes from an Unknown Shore just sounded so interesting to me. The author traveled around Newfoundland for close to ten years and based this book on the people, culture and geography he discovered there. I can't wait to read this.
Anyway, those were my newest purchases. If you've read any of these I'd love to hear what you thought!
i got the gentle art of domesticity for christmas, too! it's such a beautiful and inspiring book! :)
hey! I'm glad you liked the book! thanks for the write up, very much,
Jenna, the book rocks! I'm so glad I found it.
And hey, I guess you're doing a book signing in Troy this month at the bookstore right next door to my own shop! I can't wait. See you then.
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