I whined to Kate today about this tremendous opportunity and she suggested that Liam might be the perfect person to design the Queen Anne's Lace tattoo on my calves that I've been wanting for ages now (Kate's heard about this tattoo far more than she probably should have...sorry Kate). I have something specific in mind: flowers on both calves with stems that start at my heels. I'd love to have one completely open flower on one calf and one closed bud next to a half-open flower on the other. I think Liam could definitely pull it off. His style is perfect for this! If only I had the money. Yeesh.

All tattoo photos in this post came from Liam's Flickr page. Check him out! And thanks to Emily for mentioning this in the first place because I never would have known.
work something out! do it.
those birds are amazing too.
UGH!! Amazing work!! Just the kind of stuff I LOVE. I want more and more and more snowflakes all over but it's hard to find someone who will do thin enough lines to make teeny tiny ones as well as the more detailed ones....lots of artists don't seem to like geometric designs so much either.
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