Monday, February 15, 2010

tv rots your brain

So, should I go back through and watch the entire series of Lost thus far? I've managed to go this long without watching so much as a single episode, but I feel like I'm missing out. What do you think? It is worth it? Will I wind up on my knees, fists clenched and raised upward, screaming "why, god, whyyyyyyyyy???" half way through the run? I need guidance.

Actually, what I really need is to read a book.


Elisabeth said...
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Elisabeth said...

I don't know whether this will help you decide or not, but I'll put my two cents in anyway. ^^
I don't watch TV or movies much--unless it's a documentary or something like that--but I've been watching LOST obsessively for the past 6 years. I'm excited for the season finale this year, but kind of sad to see it all end, too. Yes, there were moments where I screamed "OMFG WHYYYYYY!!!!" at the TV. But there were moments in which I smiled, moments where I laughed my ass off, moments where I cried, and plenty that just left me speechless with my mouth hanging open. I think any show worth watching can make you feel a full range of emotions. :)
LOST definitely ranks in my top favourite TV shows of all times--right along with Twin Peaks, Carnivale, and X-Files. If you do decide to check it out, let me know! It is on Netflix instant watch, so you could possibly catch up in time for the season finale! :)

emily said...

i am obsessed with LOST. i didnt start watching it until the fourth season was over. so i was able to watch it highly irresponsibly. meaning: i stayed up until well into the morning and possibly got some bedsores from laying on the couch for 14 hours straight. it was embarrassing.
as long as you have some self control, something i lack completely, you will love it. and it is actually less annoying when you can watch several in a row. the cliffhangers are brutal.
just stay away from jack. i called dibs a long time ago. i licked my finger and then touched him. that is how dibs works right? consider this your first and only warning.

Kate said...

haha. you two crack me up. I think I'll give it a shot. The fact that I can watch this via Netflix is serious trouble because I can watch it at work, too. Yikes. Thanks for the input!

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Oh, and I won't fight you for Jack, I promise. I'm liking the looks of Dominic Monaghan, though. Scrumptious.

Single In NJ said...

Kate.. I didn't start watching Lost until after the third season had aired. I took the summer (really, about two weeks.) to catch up on the three seasons I missed, and then got myself ready for season 4. I'm OBSESSED. I rented the seasons from Netflix (this was pre- watch it now era Netflix) and when I finished a disc, if I didn't have the next one, I would go rent it at Blockbuster because I could not stand the thought of having to wait TWO WHOLE DAYS to see the next episode. It's a time suck, for sure.. you're going to hate yourself for being so obsessed with a television show... but it's TOTALLY worth it.

Metalsgirl said...

I will admidt to being a lost junkie too. I started watching it from day one. I will admidt that I obsessively LOVED the first three or four seasons but the last one not quite as much. Still great, but not the shockers of the first few seasons. And forget Jack, I am gaga for Sayid!!! :)

m said...

don't do it kate. here's a similar yet better option:
Go find 15-20 stray tabby cats...(mangy ones, none of them should win you over) keep them outside at all times except from 8-9pm once a week. This is when you allow them to roam free in your house, shitting on whatever they want, breaking things, biting you, eating your snacks, taking advantage of your time and space, you name it. Now don't get bummed right off the bat.. haha you still have 5 years worth of this disruption to meander through. Maybe just be-friend the tabby cat in the wheelchair for a bit and feed the fugitive feline in the corner rat poison, she sucks anyway. You may have noticed that one of the cats looks familiar.. this is bc you met him years ago in an alley called "party of five".. well guess what, he's still a douche cat and he's not worth paying attention to so lets cut the shit early on and just toss him back outside. Keep an eye on the funny sounding english wanna be cat that looks a lot like a hobbit, he's gunnin for your medicine cabinet and yes kate, he will in fact drink your mouthwash too. The foreign tabby with the greasy coat is a bad ass.. even though he's wearing a tank top he'll still fuck shit up, so just keep that in mind.
I guess in general you should stay the eff away from this pack of burdens focus your netflix rentals on any and all of Werner Herzog's films.. they'll prob make more sense anyway! Hope that helped.

shoshonasnow said...

i watched 5 seasons in under 2 weeks via netflix and 14 hour studio days. totally sucked me in. i absolutely HATE it and love it. i totally hate episodic tv. i can't handle the cliff hangers and waiting so it was WAY easier to deal with it through netflix....but what a time sucker. if i wasn't working the whole time while i was watching it i would feel like a total jerk.

kate said...

haha, so that's a lot of yes's and one very sarcastic, weed-induced no. Gotcha.

Thanks, Matthew. You know I always value your opinion.

Pictures From Mike said...

Don't watch! Pinning you self down to a TV drama is lame. Keep your game strong there sport

Daniel B. said...

Besides the Super Bowl, Lost is the only thing I watch on live Television.

It's the only thing I take the time and watch when the network tells me to watch, instead of going on with my own busy life.

Granted, if I miss a show I catch up on

I started watching at the beginning of season 2. But before then, I watched the first season on DVD in under a week. The DVDs are dangerous.