On a recent trip to the local Salvation Army, I snagged these shoes. I saw them sitting high up on a shelf and thought they were cute, but assumed they'd never fit because shoes are one thing I never have luck finding at Sally's. Not only did they fit me perfectly, but they're brand new with the original price tags on them, and a Sally price sticker stuck to the toe. How much? Get this...six bucks! Love 'em. They're comfy as hell, cute, and very functional. I don't think I'll ever take them off. Besides, even though I'm 5'6, I still feel stumpy sometimes and the lift from these heels helps my sorry little ego.
I'm heading out of town on Monday on a little road trip to sunny Ithaca, NY! The shop will be closed on Tuesday, but I plan to reopen on Wednesday morning at 10. Have a great weekend!!!
Delicious shoes! We are the same height so I can relate to that little lift thingy that creates a bump in the ego...
Lucky you! I'm only 5'2" so you can only imagine how stumpy I feel... even in the highest of heels.
Enjoy getting away!
Those ARE cool! And only 6 bucks?!
Enjoy your road trip. This spring weather (finally!) is giving me the travel itch.
cute shoes...what's the tat of?
Thanks, ladies!
Jo, Celtic tree of life on both feet.
$6?!?! What a steal! AND brand new! I'm there with ya...5'6" and feel just that much better in heels (although, I haven't been lucky enough to find any that are comfy)
Nice score!!! Lovely little shoes.
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