I'd love to start this post out with a thank you to everyone involved in Troy Night Out last Friday. From my customers, to friends and family who helped out, to the amazing artists who contributed their work, to good old mother nature for giving us such beautiful weather. Wow. I can't thank you enough. Amazing sales, great turnout, and I actually had the opportunity to experience my first sample of fried dough for the season. I love me some fried dough. Fantastic. Thanks!

So, TNO kicked off what became an epic weekend and I'm still reeling from it. We got up early on Saturday morning to participate in this year's Walk A Mile In Her Shoes rally and it was great! The turnout seemed much bigger than last year and everyone seemed to be having a great time! I recognized quite a few men from last year who were back again for seconds. Many of them skipped the heels this time around and went for the flats, but some kept the heels and opted for heavy weight sport socks underneath. This year brought lots of kids, some fraternities, and some incredible donations and contributions. A great time once again!

Ben scored some major sun stroke during the walk, so we headed home afterward to hide out in the shade. With temperatures in the high 80s, I think a lot of people were hit hard. I mean, hey, just a few weeks ago we were shoveling ourselves out of a winter wonderland. Funny how quickly things change. Anyway, I decided to turn the oven on (ugh) and give Martha's Old Fashioned Sugar Cookie recipe another go. These things are so fantastic. I highly recommend them.

We woke up bright and early on Sunday morning ready to head back outside to work in the yard. I put the spring yard work off long enough and dove in head first. I cleaned out the front flower beds while Ben weed whacked and mowed the lawn, and then my mom and I visited a few of the local greenhouses for mulch and flowers. I venture out to several different greenhouses and garden centers all the time, and I really don't know why I bother. The one place I always seem to wind up is Faddegon's. I wish everyone had a Faddegon's near them. What an amazing place! I love going there when I need something, but I also love going there just to walk around and admire everything, too! Even in the winter months, their indoor plant collection is incredible, and I'll never buy another orchid or cactus from anyone else. If you live in this area and you're looking for rare, collectible, or even native plants, give this place a shot.

On this particular visit, I was looking for something to fill in the gaps where my old Forget-Me-Nots and wild marigolds once were. And, as always, I was really looking for different varieties of Columbine, my personal favorite. I scored some new Columbine, some more black-eyed Susans, and some Dianthus for the beds, and then some Alyssum, Pansies and Lantana for my planters and pots. After getting home and unloading the truck, I was tired but pushed on anyway and got everything planted and mulched. Ben and I chowed down on a delicious fish and asparagus dinner with fresh corn on the cob. A much deserved feast!
I spent most of yesterday visiting old coworkers at my old office in Albany. It was good to see everyone again, but I still have no regrets about leaving Verizon. Those people who lectured me on the dangers of leaving back in October of '07 are now asking me what it was like to leave such a hefty paycheck behind. If I had my way, I'd get everyone out of that place. It sucks the life out of you. I miss the money, though, that's for sure.
So that's it. I'm pooped out, but I feel good. It was nice to be outside and productive. Hope your weekend was great, too!
You are so flippin' ADORABLE! I just want to squish the heck out of you (in a totally affectionate and non-violent way, of course!). ♥
OMG, are those guys wearing RUBY SLIPPERS? Want!
Those pictures are comical and fascinating. Lots of those guys have very nice legs. Ooh la la. :)
I take it the old-fashioned sugar cookies are the kind that have lemon zest in them? I have been making those for a few years, but with orange zest instead. They taste just like my Nan's sugar cookies did, and they are just as good plain as with a little powdered sugar/corn syrup glaze on top. A batch of them never lasted more than one shift at work. I will have to try them with lemon next time I make them. :)
Your yard is so, so lovely, by the way. :)
Hey skinny....... our weekend is this .hope we have as mush success in the dirt...love you always nancy
I visited your shop for the first time this past Friday and loved it. I am proudly wearing my birds are beautiful.com t-shirt. very cool place.
You're a busy little bee! {Sheesh}I'm tired just reading about your weekend ;) Love the new look of the blog & your new profile pic, you're too stink'n cute! Has Schmilly found a home in that garden of your yet??
Hi there!
I skate with The Hellions of Troy Roller Derby League [www.hellionsoftroyrollerderby.com] and we volunteered at the Walk A Mile In Her Shoes! It was so much fun!
There is a great back story to the doctor who was walking the 2 massive dogs. He had just gotten off of a 12 hour shit in the emergency dept and then did the walk! What a guy!
Troy Night Out is great! We skate demos there at Monument Square. Hope to see you there this month!
Thanks, Miss Ida! Actually, we saw you guys at the monument last Troy Night Out while waiting for fried dough. Great stuff! I'm a huge roller derby fan and I look forward to seeing you guys soon!
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