With the craziness of the shop opening over and done with (for now, anyway...we still have yet to host the ribbon cutting/Grand Opening gala), I've been enjoying the break tremendously. I finally brought my sewing machine down to the store and have been working on various handbags and pinafores. I had over 40 handbags for sale before Friday night and after I closed my doors at 9pm, I had less than half of them left. Time to restock!!! The little children's pinafores I've been working on sold like hotcakes, too, so I'm working on replenishing those as well. Good times.
I never realized how much I'd miss simply sitting down with my little machine and cranking out loads of goodies. I promise to have pictures of my newest creations when/if I ever remember to bring my camera down to the shop.

Coming home after work while we still have daylight has been wonderful. I've decided to read the entire Little House on the Prairie series all over again...yes AGAIN! To this day I'm amazed at how long I've held this memoir close to my heart. I was introduced to the stories by my mother at a very young age. I gobbled each and every book up and memorized each and every episode of the television version (it was awful, I know). If you're ever down for the challenge, I'm always ready for a nice, healthy game of Little House trivia. I've never been beaten. Ha! Anyway, I find myself getting lost in the books all over again and I'm loving every minute of it. Very comforting.

I came home today to find another small pleasure...shoes! I'm not a shoe whore by any means, but I've been in the market for a nice pair of comfy shoes to wear when I'm on my feet all day at the shop. I've had my eye on a pair of Keen's for some time now and finally splurged and bought not one, but two pair. These are the Calistoga model and they're so unbelievably comfy. Go right on out and buy yourself a pair or two.
How are things in your neck of the woods? Anyone whipping up anything crafty? I can't stop drooling over these, and I'm dying to see what she's working on over there with the camera.
Oh, and P.S., I will send a secret surprise to the person who can teach me how to sew in a zipper. I've tried every online tutorial, book and video known to man and still can't for the life of me figure it out. Do you have any tips for me? Pretty please? I have a zipper foot and plenty of willingness to learn. What else is there?