I was on my way to visit my parents last night and stopped dead in the road when I noticed the moon. Did you see it? Unfortunately, it wasn't full (waning Gibbous), but it sure was pretty. So, I hopped out of the cab of my truck and climbed up into the bed in the freezing cold to take as many decent shots as I could. I had you in mind, Sandy, because I'm well aware of your love affair with the moon and after our botched attempt many weeks ago to take moon shots on the roof of your car, well, I felt like I owed you something. Hopefully these shots are acceptable. They were taken about a half-hour apart.

BEAUTIFUL! A love of the Moon must be a family trait! Bob and i love it too...Not many sun worshippers here! ;)
That's because we're a pasty Irish group.
Thanks for thinking of me! I did notice the moon last night, unfortunately, I was in the ER 'till late for work. So it's beauty was the highlight of my day/night! And, the full moon on Tuesday was hidden from me, some cruel Karmic misfortune, so thank you for the gift that will now grace my computer screen here in hell, I mean work!
I love You,
Me, Sandy
It is beautiful! My son actually had an extra credit project which had him watch the moonrise Tuesday night and then either draw a picture of it or write a sentence about it. We all grabbed hot cocoa (it was pretty cold) and watched it come up. I learned that October's full moon is called the Hunter's Moon :)
aaah...a gal after my own heart. i also brake for moons. beautiful shots here.
very cool shots! You should photoshop a man onto the moon :)
Funny - it always looks like a rabbit in the moon to me. But it's a beautiful moon whoever's in it!
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