Sunday, September 30, 2007


I toyed around with a few bag ideas today trying to get inspired both for the shop and for the jewelry party I've decided to take part in afterall. This was the only bag I actually finished and I had Ben pose with it. I'm not crazy about the body fabric now that it's all put together, but I love the plum cotton quilters fabric I used for the front pocket and lining. I really like the overall shape, and the piecing on the front wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My camera totally blows so these pictures aren't very good. Sorry.

Suggestions? Comments? Does it completely suck???

I'm excited to try it out with some decent fabric and modern prints/colors.


Anonymous said...

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thingwraith said...

LOL I love how your husband poses with your bags, it is too freaking cute. ^_^

I like this new bag...I think it is the first I have seen from you in quite a while now! Great work, as always. :)